Monday, January 3, 2011

Prose Poem: Secrets

Secrets, why must they hide, and make themselves invisible to us? For a secret that lies dormant is one that will never be heard. Why must we hide them from others? For a secret of love, is one meant to be heard. It hides it self out of it's timid nature, and never confesses it's true emotions. For if it were to be heard, passion would to be born, and eternal love would be crafted. A secret of shame should not be kept. For secrets of shame will consume ones life, and prevent them from advancing. It is not worth to stop our lives to mask our shame. We must find revelation in our actions, by revealing those secrets. A violent secret is one to be deal with carefully, for it's destructive ways may do harm. One must not allow them to manifest is a physical form, for it is then that it will have consumed you. Silencing violent secrets will make them turn against you, and causes pain to it's keeper. A truthful secret is much like a bomb, and in cases may have inevitable destruction. It is one that must be revealed with compassion and understanding, for it is one f the most powerful. It may ruin relationships, or save them. Even if we are not prepared to face such powerful force, the truth must never be permanently kept from us. For the truth must be revealed before the moment is too late. We cannot live in a world of lies, in a world were our true selves are hidden. For we are much like secrets. We cannot hide out of shame or anger, and we must not be afraid to face the truth or love. For it is only when we let ourselves be heard, that we can truly live.

Alex Jorge

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